Please note that in addition to the tariffs, a patent fee is paid. The fee depends on the selected activities and methods of filing an application for registration.
Find the amount of the fee State registration of a trademark in Rospatent
is the only way to secure exclusive rights to your trademark in Russia and any country in the world.
International Trademark Registration
is a registration system where one application for protection of a trademark can be filed at once in 116 countries. Such a system simplifies registration, but does not protect the trademark at once all over the world.
The term of registration of a trademark
depends on the terms established by Rospatent, as well as the purity of the sign. Rospatent, according to the regulations, can register up to 18.5 months. Each request and notification of FIPS about errors in documents or obstacles to registration
extends the process for 2-6 months.
The success of self-registration of trademarks
is no more than 15%. The most common reasons for refusal: the presence of opposing signs and incorrect answers to FIPS notices.